Paradental® gingival solution

Paradental® is gingival solution in which active ingredients are vinegar extract of onion, nettle and marigold and peppermint oil for treatment of different inflammatory diseases of gingival and oromucosal cavity.




Paradental® is gingival solution in which active ingredients are vinegar extract of onion, nettle and marigold and peppermint oil for treatment of different inflammatory diseases of gingival and oromucosal cavity.
Peppermint oil applied on the mucous gives sensate of cooling, with weak anesthetic activity and pleasant odor, which are based on the menthol presence.
Onion has a wide area of pharmacodynamic actions which are based on the present of non-glycoside sulfur compounds (aliin, alicin), especially antimicrobic (antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal) and anti-inflammatory action.
On the other side the nettle and marigold with their antimicrobic, haemostatic, angiogenic, adhesive and stimulatory action on the tissue granulation, enlarge the effect of the other Paradental® compound and also stimulate physiological regeneration and epithelatization of the damaged tissue.


Paradental® gingival solution is used for treatment of periodontitis, chronic gingivitis, periodontal abscesses, post extraction wounds and other inflammatory gingival diseases.


Alii sativi bulbus, Calendulae flos, Urticae folium, Oleum menthae.

1 package contains 50 ml gingival solution.

Way of use:

Paradental® gingival solution is assigned for local application on the gingival and oromucosal mucous. It can be used with application on the compresses, which are applied on the inflamed gingival or for gargle.

– Application on the compresses: wet sterile compress with Paradental® gingival solution on the inflamed gingival and left for 10-30 min, two to three times a day.

– Gargle: 5 ml (one teaspoon) Paradental® gingival solution gargle 1-2 minutes, 2-3 times a day.

The effect of application of Paradental® gingival solution on the gingival inflammation – ,,UNIVERSITY DENTAL CLINICAL CENTRE “St. Pantelejmon” – Skopje,,